Tennis Elbow Braces

Unlike traditional tennis elbow braces, the TEWB assists the wrist extensor muscles during activity. This gives instant relief to the overworked muscles that can relax once the brace is applied. This works especially well for many finer manual tasks that involved sustained work of low intensity by the wrist extensors muscles. These types of activities might include mousing at the computer, holding a glass, writing with a pen, etc. During these types of low intensity, prolonged activity, the wrist extensor muscles can nearly completely relax with the brace doing the majority of the work. The TEWB has the same effect for higher intensity tasks that requires heavy gripping, like hammering, heavy lifting, and construction work. In these cases, the demands on the muscle are greater. The brace can be tightened to give more support, but there is a limit. Fortunately, the TEWB can be worn in conjunction with a traditional tennis elbow brace for even greater effect.
Will the TEWB fix my tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow can be a complicated problem that requires a multimodal approach, meaning that several types of treatment work better than one treatment in isolation. Often it is a condition that has been developing for years and it can take years to resolve, even with proper care. A proper assessment is important and a rehabilitation program should be guided by a competent manual therapist for best results.
Disclaimer aside, the first thing any therapist will tell you is "Stop doing things that bother your elbow!" This can be easier said than done. As you sit there thinking about how your're going to quit all your housework, the deck project you just started, any computer work, eating, drinking, driving, etc, you realize that it is impossible. If you quit all that stuff, your life would fall apart. So, many people quit trying, only to resume therapy when the pain gets to an all new low. Instead, realize that you can quit, or modify, or delegate, or hire-out a great many of your painful daily tasks. For the painful tasks that you cannot avoid, there's the TEWB. The TEWB can alleviate pain during these unavoidable activities that must get done by you. This can be make-it or break-it stuff in your rehabilitation. If you have the best therapist in the world, all the right exercises, and otherwise do everything the therapist says, but you can't quit aggravating the tennis elbow through your day-to-day life, it is unlikely that you will fix the problem. The TEWB then becomes the critical component of a well-rounded rehabilitation program. You wear the TEWB during painful activities that you can't avoid, to prevent further aggravation.
So, to recap...
Find a good manual therapist. Don't do things that hurt. Get a TEWB for the unavoidable activities that hurt. Do your exercises. Feel better!
Good luck,
Justin Vanderleest,
Inventor, physical therapist, and first user.
Unlike traditional tennis elbow braces, the TEWB assists the wrist extensor muscles during activity. This gives instant relief to the overworked muscles that can relax once the brace is applied. This works especially well for many finer manual tasks that involved sustained work of low intensity by the wrist extensors muscles. These types of activities might include mousing at the computer, holding a glass, writing with a pen, etc. During these types of low intensity, prolonged activity, the wrist extensor muscles can nearly completely relax with the brace doing the majority of the work. The TEWB has the same effect for higher intensity tasks that requires heavy gripping, like hammering, heavy lifting, and construction work. In these cases, the demands on the muscle are greater. The brace can be tightened to give more support, but there is a limit. Fortunately, the TEWB can be worn in conjunction with a traditional tennis elbow brace for even greater effect.
Will the TEWB fix my tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow can be a complicated problem that requires a multimodal approach, meaning that several types of treatment work better than one treatment in isolation. Often it is a condition that has been developing for years and it can take years to resolve, even with proper care. A proper assessment is important and a rehabilitation program should be guided by a competent manual therapist for best results.
Disclaimer aside, the first thing any therapist will tell you is "Stop doing things that bother your elbow!" This can be easier said than done. As you sit there thinking about how your're going to quit all your housework, the deck project you just started, any computer work, eating, drinking, driving, etc, you realize that it is impossible. If you quit all that stuff, your life would fall apart. So, many people quit trying, only to resume therapy when the pain gets to an all new low. Instead, realize that you can quit, or modify, or delegate, or hire-out a great many of your painful daily tasks. For the painful tasks that you cannot avoid, there's the TEWB. The TEWB can alleviate pain during these unavoidable activities that must get done by you. This can be make-it or break-it stuff in your rehabilitation. If you have the best therapist in the world, all the right exercises, and otherwise do everything the therapist says, but you can't quit aggravating the tennis elbow through your day-to-day life, it is unlikely that you will fix the problem. The TEWB then becomes the critical component of a well-rounded rehabilitation program. You wear the TEWB during painful activities that you can't avoid, to prevent further aggravation.
So, to recap...
Find a good manual therapist. Don't do things that hurt. Get a TEWB for the unavoidable activities that hurt. Do your exercises. Feel better!
Good luck,
Justin Vanderleest,
Inventor, physical therapist, and first user.
Get a Tennis Elbow Wrist Brace!

The "TEWB" is a revolutionary new tennis elbow brace design that actually works! The TEWB is the first tennis elbow brace that addresses the cause of the problem--overworked wrist extensor muscles. By assisting the muscle action of the overworked muscles, the brace provides instant elbow and forearm relief. Put your struggle with tennis elbow behind you. Get one today!
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Traditional Tennis Elbow Brace

Traditionally, a tennis elbow brace has been a tight band that wrapped around the upper forearm putting pressure on the pain site to relieve the pain. This design has been effective at relieving some people's pain for the last 35 years. It remains a useful tool for the alleviation of tennis elbow symptoms. Some people may experience discomfort due to the high irritability of the tissues on which it presses.