Wrist extensor stretch

1. Pull your affected wrist into flexion--pulling the hand down.
2. Pull the wrist such that the fingers start to turn out.
3. Simultaneously, turn your bicep up to face the ceiling.
4. Hold 60 seconds
Tricky, but works great. The pictures will be uploaded shortly.
2. Pull the wrist such that the fingers start to turn out.
3. Simultaneously, turn your bicep up to face the ceiling.
4. Hold 60 seconds
Tricky, but works great. The pictures will be uploaded shortly.
Resisted Wrist Extension

1. Sit with your forearm resting on your lap.
2. Hold a small weight in your hand (the weight should be as heavy as you can handle with no pain at all)
3. Extend the wrist repeatedly. This is the knuckes up motion.
4. Let the wrist return all the way to the fully flexed position between repetitions and keep your forearm on your lap.
5. Do 1 set to fatigue...Must be painfree.
2. Hold a small weight in your hand (the weight should be as heavy as you can handle with no pain at all)
3. Extend the wrist repeatedly. This is the knuckes up motion.
4. Let the wrist return all the way to the fully flexed position between repetitions and keep your forearm on your lap.
5. Do 1 set to fatigue...Must be painfree.