Physical therapy (aka physiotherapy) is not a thing separate from other treatment components. Physical therapy is not a treatment that is prescribed. Your doctor can refer you to a physical therapist. That physical therapist will use all the tools available to rehabilitate your tennis elbow. Competencies and skill-sets vary among therapists. But generally, the physical therapist will have a broad skill-set, particularly well-adapted to treating conditions like tennis elbow.
The physical therapist should...
Make a diagnosis
Provide some education
Use ice and heat as needed
Provide basic stretches for the wrist extensors
Provide basic strengthening exercise for the wrist extensors
Assess and improve joint movement of the neck, elbow, and wrist
Assess the strength ratio between wrist flexors and extensors
Assess painfree and maximal grip strength
Assess work and home ergonomics
Stretch the wrist extensors
Massage the wrist extensors
Gradually progress the strengthening exercises
Prescribe a tennis elbow brace
Return to work or sport planning
Re-inforce the importance of avoiding aggravation and problem solve this.
Communicate with the doctor regarding the direction of treatment if symptoms persist.
The physical therapist might also use...
Modalities like laser or ultrasound to promote tissue healing.
Modalities like TENS or interferential current for pain relief.
Taping techniques.
The most commonly neglected component of a therapy program is the proper diagnosis of the underlying biomechanical factors contributing to the tennis elbow. Make sure you pick a therapist that takes the time to assess and treat joint restrictions and other impairments of the neck, elbow, and wrist.
The physical therapist should...
Make a diagnosis
Provide some education
Use ice and heat as needed
Provide basic stretches for the wrist extensors
Provide basic strengthening exercise for the wrist extensors
Assess and improve joint movement of the neck, elbow, and wrist
Assess the strength ratio between wrist flexors and extensors
Assess painfree and maximal grip strength
Assess work and home ergonomics
Stretch the wrist extensors
Massage the wrist extensors
Gradually progress the strengthening exercises
Prescribe a tennis elbow brace
Return to work or sport planning
Re-inforce the importance of avoiding aggravation and problem solve this.
Communicate with the doctor regarding the direction of treatment if symptoms persist.
The physical therapist might also use...
Modalities like laser or ultrasound to promote tissue healing.
Modalities like TENS or interferential current for pain relief.
Taping techniques.
The most commonly neglected component of a therapy program is the proper diagnosis of the underlying biomechanical factors contributing to the tennis elbow. Make sure you pick a therapist that takes the time to assess and treat joint restrictions and other impairments of the neck, elbow, and wrist.